Tag: Wrocław

Window on Wrocław

Signs, text, graffiti, posters, and murals in Wrocław’s public spaces.


People in Wrocław.

Wiosna / Spring

Wrocław in the Springtime.

Wrocław reopens

It has been an unusual year to do research abroad, as I have spent most of my time in Poland inside my own apartment, “Zoomed out” in front of a computer screen. Travel long remained restricted, restaurants and bars were closed, and public spaces felt risky due to the coronavirus pandemic. Spring 2021 felt like…
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Wrocławska zima / Wrocław Winter

Photos from the Winter in Wrocław, where I have been conducting a research project about the German-Polish border.

Jesień we Wrocławiu / Fall in Wrocław

Starting in September 2020, I moved for a year to Wrocław, Poland, to conduct research as part of my DAAD project, entitled “Working the Border: Policing Labor along the Polish-East German Border, 1980-1989.” Here are some of my first impressions of the city in Fall 2020.