Category: Publications

Review: Eckert, West Germany and the Iron Curtain

Monograph reviewed for German History in Volume 39, Issue 2, June 2021, Pages 330–332. doi:10.1093/gerhis/ghab008 Summary: West Germany and the Iron Curtain is an ambitious re-examination of German history from its literal margins. Eckert’s methodologically innovative analysis not only straddles the East-West divide but interrogates 1945 and 1989/90 as chronological caesuras. Refracted through the environmental…
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Generating Post-Modernity: Nuclear Energy Opponents and the Future in the 1970s

Article published in European Review of History / Revue européenne d’histoire 28 (4), 2021, pp. 507-530. Abstract: During the 1970s, industrialised society seemed to be on the cusp of sweeping change, moving away from the Fordist ‘modern’ era and into an undefined ‘post-modern’ future. To contemporaries in France and West Germany, arguably nothing symbolized this…
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Towards a ‘Europe of Struggles’? Three Visions of Europe in the Early Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement, 1975–79

Chapter published in Christian Wenkel, Eric Bussière, Anahita Grisoni and Hélène Miard-Delacroix, eds., The Environment and the European Public Sphere: Perceptions, Actors, Policies (Cambridge: White Horse Press, 2020), 124–146. See a review of this book here. Abstract: During the 1970s, opposition to nuclear energy was structured primarily by local siting decisions related to national nuclear…
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Review: Milder, Greening Democracy

Monograph reviewed for H-German (August 2020). Summary: Throughout Greening Democracy, Milder stresses that antinuclear activism was about more than the Greens and that it did more than just bring ’68ers into the fold of liberal, parliamentary democracy. These are welcome arguments, and Milder misses no opportunity to show how people of different generations and with…
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Alle Wege führen nach Gorleben: Transnationale Netzwerke der Anti-AKW-Bewegung der 1970er Jahre

Kapitel in: Detlef Schmiechen-Ackermann u.a. (Hg.), Der Gorleben-Treck 1979. Anti-Atom-Protest als soziale Bewegung und demokratischer Lernprozess (= Schriften zur Didaktik der Demokratie, Bd. 5), Göttingen 2020, S. 150–172. Fazit: Für eine dezentrale, lokal verankerte Bewegung wie die Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung der 1970er Jahre waren transnationale Netzwerke besonders wichtig. Aus anderen, fremden Kontexten kamen weit mehr Ideen, als…
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Binding the Nation, Bounding the State: Germany and its Borders

Review article for German History Vol. 37, No. 1 (2019), examining seventeen recent publications on the borders of Germany and of Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Review: Smith, Terror and Terroir

Monograph reviewed for French History, Volume 32, Issue 4, December 2018, pp. 615–617. doi:10.1093/fh/cry078 Summary: In the summer of 1907, France’s Midi rouge (the ‘red South’) was in revolt, with regular Sunday protests in towns throughout the region drawing as many as 600,000 participants. After protesters torched buildings in Narbonne, the military occupied the town,…
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Introduction: The Material Culture of Politics

Introduction to the special issue of the International Journal of History, Culture and Modernity, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2018), pp.1–12.

The Material Culture of Modern Politics in Cold War Europe

Special issue of the International Journal of History, Culture and Modernity, co-edited with Jan Hansen, Jochen Hung, and Philip Wagner.

From the Jessop Left picket line

A contribution to the ‘Picket Line Perspectives’ series for ‘Historians’ Watch’ on History Workshop Online