Intellectual project
European borders as
“Fluid Boundaries”
In some sense, borders have made “Europe.” Perhaps nowhere is this more true than along Germany’s borders with France and Poland. The Rhine and Oder-Neisse river systems have functioned as markers of the post-1945 settlement, spaces of integration, and sources of shared problems. My research aims to examine how citizens along these borders related to one another in everyday life.
Recent research
Working the Border
Even when East Germany closed its border to Poland in the 1980s, it continued to rely on hundreds of (mostly female) commuter laborers from Poland crossing regularly to work in factories in border towns like Görlitz. This project explores how both workers and police navigated this restrictive border regime in the final decade of the Cold War.
Previous research
Better active than radioactive!
My previous project examined cross-border protest against nuclear energy in France and West Germany during the 1970s. It was published in book form with Oxford University Press in 2016.
FIND OUT MORERecent activities
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Rezension: Peters, Von Solidarność zur Schocktherapie
Monographie rezensiert für H-Soz-u-Kult (11.12.2024.) Fazit: Florian Peters hat eine nuancierte Erzählung des polnischen Wegs in den Kapitalismus geschrieben. Dabei analysiert er Thesenpapiere, Partei- und Gewerkschaftsprogramme sowie graue Literatur, Memoiren,[…]
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